Institute of Couriers Newsflash Sunday Oct 13 Well done TFGM for closed roads success in Manchester Heartland Sunday special. MPG ambassador, IOC Chairman joins Sixteen thousand in TFGM Manchester heartland for last mile delivery at thirteen miles. Carmen, Carl Lomas donned full high visibility rain top in Manchester to Join sixteen thousand runners on closed roads of TFGM heartland.
A wall of runners for the Manchester Half Marathon. Started in waves of targeted times, Lomas in purple set for a two hour window on the streets of Manchester. Transport for greater Manchester sorted the multi modal transport, tram and train for the start at Old Trafford Man United Football Ground. Manchester lined the streets in support of the giant half marathon turnout, Jelly Babies to cups of tea were waiting along the route, bands playing and church choirs singing. Runners focused on time windows mile by mile reading the pace watch and checking the giant mile marker boards for this middle England big one on closed roads as high vis marshals delivered a perfect package all the way to the final mile. Thirteen, no! There is just a bit more, put the pedal down and be sure the van is empty before parking up for the full half marathon distance. IOC team rallied up the mile marker calculations via tracking and mobile phone text as Lomas dug into the post ten mile distance watching the delivery time match the target. For lots more detail on this week's extracts, take a look at the IOC detailed web news.
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TFGM Manchester freight - the fifth annual event. Clean air at the heart of it. Lomas delivers Client Chain Key note in Manchester. Post Bank Holiday sunshine, the Manchester event focused on informing and engaging the Freight sector on the Outline Business Case for the TFGM Manchester Clean Air Plan. Megan Black spoke passionately for Manchester, Lomas from the IOC looked at Client Chain driven decisions in express. Tracey Worth talked inclusion of millennials to the logistics workforce alongside DWP Job Centre Plus guru Alex Farkas. Lorna McAtear, Royal Mail, 'We are investing 7 million in new compliant delivery vehicles'. We are trialling everything from LNG, CNG and even e-bikes.' Toby Poston BVRLA, 'There is a growing demand for petrol vans.' The full house TFGM freight event delivered a cracking lunch and a magic mix of multi-modal operators. The target was to engage logistics industry operators and it delivered with final mile excellence from heavy LGV to two wheels and walking post. The forum with over fifty individual operators in the room, generated a better understanding of freight operations in GM. Informing and identifying future needs and the development of potential interventions, Megan Black, TFGM, 'clean air at the heart of it.' Opening presentation, Greater Manchester Clean Air Proposals Megan Black, Interim Head of Logistics & Environment, TfGM opened, 'The goal of a clean air zone is to move people to cleaner vehicles.' 'We are looking to reduce NO2 as quickly as possible.' 'Tackling nitrogen dioxide, what we are planning and proposing, the next steps' Starting with the problem, air quality, it brings life expectancy down six months. The two categories, nitrogen dioxide and second, the particulates. 'Diesel vehicles are the largest source of nitrogen dioxide, Govt has asked local authorities to deal with the air quality. 60 local authorities, GM is working together for a plan for Greater Manchester. Clean air zones, from class A bus, (private hire and taxi), Class B and C split between 3.5 tonne grades, Class d for cars and motorcycles.' Megan clarified congestion zones and clean air zones are not the same. 'the goal of a clean air zone is to move people to cleaner vehicles.' We recognise we need to support change, we are asking govt for funds for vehicle renewal. 'Clean freight fund'. We are looking to extend infrastructure, we want to increase charging points by 600. Sustainable journeys, looking at behaviour change for travel. We want to see retro fitting recognised. Assumed clean air penalty fees look like seven pounds fifty for car and LGV van, one hundred pounds for truck for a zone that covers all of Greater Manchester. We have asked govt for 25 million to cover infrastructure. 'This is not a penalty, we assume the majority of people will upgrade using the support schemes.' We want to hear your views, we have a six week consultation; 13th May to 23rd June, there will be further consultation in the summer. Carl Lomas MBE, Chairman Institute of Couriers, and TFGM chair of Urban deliveries. Key note: ' Looking through a new lens.' 'Alternative vehicles, alternative fuels, consolidation and saving miles in final mile.' 'Compliance may be the only step to drive purchase of zero emission.' Lomas asked guest to look with a new lens at the delivery, alternative fuels, alternative vehicles, consolidation, look with a lens of clean air. Then showcased a Carmen Livery cart board, 500 years of clean delivery licenced then at five shillings and relevant today as it was then to see clean delivery. Lomas talked, reducing miles with consolidation and client chain perception, taking a look through the lens we see clean air with. Taking the vote - Lomas asked the acceptability of consolidation to office delivery for home e-retail. Your office is a consolidation zone, a hundred deliveries here today or a hundred locations to your homes this evening. Big numbers voted against home to delivery to the office with the example of food but even bigger numbers voted work related home deliveries were acceptable. 90% sent home delivery to the office is acceptable on the example of reading spectacles. 80% said food was not an acceptable delivery to the office (using chocolates as a birthday present example) 50% said small items are acceptable delivery to the office 500 years ago cart-boards began the licencing of clean streets for London, today the lens is clean air but the principles remain. Express explosion and increasing city density, the challenge to deliver clean air solutions. Corporate excellence with DPD and their London SW1 micro depot, all EV. To deliver with less miles. False volume and returns at the heart of the problem. It's not all vans. Lomas touched on Cycle consolidation zones in Vienna, could we see these in Greater Manchester. Making a business case for the owner driver covering low miles in inner city delivery zones compounded with the challenges of charging the van at home and availability of new vehicles leaves the land of zero emission in the hands of the corporate fleets. Chris Swan, Head of Rail at Tarmac. How the construction sector can meet today's challenges 'We need capacity on rail to get heavy freight on trains.' Chris took a lens from the rail and heavy vehicle sector, 'Rail freight in Greater Manchester & meeting the future challenges. 'We need capacity on rail to get freight on trains.' Talking Tarmac, new sites, new technology, a new way to off load trains in Greater Manchester. Using rail to move heavy materials and make use of economics to get that material into the city. Rail need for passengers is a challenge to freight in the opportunity for growth. Cost of signalling and cost of sites at rail heads is a challenge. If you use rail in your supply it is far cleaner air delivery per tonne than road. From the Key notes optional workshop sessions with round tables followed. Workshop One - Tracey Worth, IOC, DFT, Strategic Transport Apprenticeship Taskforce (STAT) and Diversity in transport chair. Tracey Worth talked 'inclusion of workforce for logistics in a modern business,' 'Millennials, 35% of your next employees will look at your policy for inclusion before they make a job application to your company.' 'This session explores challenges and opportunities for the freight sector.' 'STAT is a voluntary, cross-sector industry body that has been given the responsibility for promoting awareness and access to apprenticeships, sector diversity and promoting transport as a career.' 'Adding value to your logistics company with inclusion of workforce. Think millennials and your next generation workforce, inclusion is changing and makes your future workforce.' Asking the workshops to talk understanding in inclusion for logistics workforce success. 'Creating ambition in freight workforce. Understanding representation, mirroring society, staff retention.' All hot topics. Today let me give you a toolkit. It's free and available to you. Let me give you an invitation, Transport Minister Jesse Norman MP welcomes you to Portcullis House Westminster to launch the freight sector diversity and inclusivity platform for logistics, the date for your diary is May 29th Workshop two - Research into key issues in the freight sector. A double bubble delivery, Royal Mail & BVRLA. Lorna McAtear, Royal Mail, 'We are investing 7 million in new delivery vehicles. We are trialling everything from LNG, CNG and even e-bikes.' Lorna McAtear, Royal Mail, 'The red fleet, a big number of vans, we collect post boxes, 143 thousand employees, 93,000 walking post using trollies. We are trialling e-bikes. We are trialling CNG. London ULEZ, we had 385 none compliant vehicles, a charge of 1.8m for those vehicles. We swapped out over 600 vehicles pre-ULEZ to other locations. Making it easy for your drivers, is the vehicle complaint, we made a bunch of stickers to identify euro 4, euro 5, euro 6 vehicles. We are trialling infrastructure and electricity supply wins. 'Its about the right vehicle at the right time in the right place.' The group was challenged to consider the issues posed by clean air zones and the London ULEZ. The session consider compliance solutions such as the role of rental and leasing in the zones, as well as discussing potential mitigation measures available. Toby Poston talked lease vehicles being the cleanest on the road. Getting the correct vehicle for clean air zones and post Brexit regs. Understand CNG LNG in heavy fleets. We are seeing a growing request for petrol vans. Workshop three - Safe Urban Driving (SUDS) Course, helping to evaluate the course. Rachel Scott, Delivery Manager at TfGM Rachel made a brief introduction to SUD training for raising awareness of vulnerable road users - this was an interactive workshop and a chance to find out more about this training, an opportunity to feed back for those that have some experience of this and discuss ways of making this offer more useful for safety on the road. Concluding the event - Round up and the votes. Do you agree GM needs a clean air plan? 96% said yes Do you know about the GM plan? 88% said yes Do you broadly agree with the GM clean air plan? 78% said No TFGM freight event April 2019, a great success in the northern city heartland of logistics. * Take forward practical operational initiatives of benefit to industry but which also reduce externalities; * Act as an initial source of communication on other initiatives that have an impact on the industry as the Logistics Strategy is implemented Megan Black with Carl Lomas and the 500 year vehicle taxation of Cartmarking in the City of London. Clean air is at the heart of it. For lots more detail on this week's extracts, take a look at the IOC detailed web news<>. Institute of Couriers Institute of Couriers is the govt stakeholder organisation; it is the voice for the Express delivery and courier sector. It hosts four heads of industry events each year, the National Courier Awards in October and the fellows' gowning in February. Key networking events include the Mansion House transport banquet in March and the Guildhall Cartmarking in July. There is a fellows' Sunday email briefing for the week ahead and urgent news shots regarding items such as major road closures or alerts such as the Taylor answers on modern workforce status. Research by the Institute includes, 'Where does our express sector fit within supply chain?' 'Is the new e-retail explosion really a client chain?' 'Would consolidation solve final mile congestion?' Latest research is on 'how do people shop online?' A four-year longitudinal study of consumer value of time in final mile. What is a worker status in Express? - 'Taylor'; IoC was proud to see over fifty thousand final mile individuals represented to respond to the 2017 May deadline with a detailed explanation of how the sector engages its workforce. A code of conduct and practice is emerging from that work Recent reports from the three national trade shows, IntralogisteX, CV and Multimodal and the largest transport conference in Europe, Microlise can all be found on the IoC web. IoC works with DfT, TfGM and TfL with their LoCITY programme for alternative fuel final mile solutions. Facilitating the Trailblazer employer group for Express qualifications with DfE, IFA, mapping qualifications to delivery material in the sector and acting as the EQA for those qualifications. IOC is aligned with DWP & JCP for next generation workforce. Becoming a fellow begins with a call to the IOC CEO Tracey Worth 07976 263745. 2019 key dates April 16th - Logistics Joint Services Carmen dinner, City of London April 25th - TfGM 5th annual freight forum - Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham delivers keynote, 'largest clean air zone outside London.' April 30th to May 2nd Commercial vehicle show CV Show at the NEC - Vans rule as truck numbers fall in an NEC showcase of all things commercial transport. The Show attracts close to 21,000 business visitors and its central location at the NEC Birmingham, ensures a truly nationwide attendance. For operators it's the annual meeting place and for sector suppliers the ultimate showcase for products and services. May 15th - Microlise Conference, Ricoh Arena Coventry. The biggest transport logistics keynotes in the UK May 24th - TfL LoCITY Light Vehicle group meeting - Palestra House TfL London SE1 May 29th - DFT Diversity in logistics, Minister Jesse Norman, Port Cullis House Westminster. Operator best practice event, chaired by Tracey Worth, reception hosted by Jacquie O'Donovan. Key notes include Alastair Cochrane Whistl, Kate Lester, Diamond Logistics, HS2 Mark Lomas. Westminster London SW1. June 5th Warehouse Technology Group - John Munnelly, Head of Operations at John Lewis & Partners talks reverse logistics in Manchester at the MANTRA hosted event. June 18th-19th City Transport & Traffic Innovation Exhibition. Arena MK, the CiTTi Exhibition is an exciting brand-new event that will gather the industry together to explore how innovations within traffic and transport will help the movement of people and goods through an urban environment safely and efficiently. June 18th-20th Multimodal at the NEC 12 years in the making - new dates - Birmingham, road, rail, air and sea transportation. June 25th Freight Traffic Control 2025 project, London. Policy implications for urban last mile delivery, keynote by professor Phil Blythe chief scientific advisor to DFT. Attendance is free and to book a place please visit: July 2nd Logistics Skills Alliance Vision 2025 round table Heathrow. Free to operators. July 17th Cartmarking. - 503rd year of marking of carts in Guildhall Yard, City of London. Sept 9th deadline for DCPC. Truck, bus or coach 'drivers must have completed their 35 hours of periodic training in last five years of this second block. Sept 24th - 27th IMHX A proven platform for the intralogistics industry to do business, and takes place at the NEC, Birmingham. Oct 15th National Courier Awards - Hosted at the Institute of Directors Pall Mall, best of the best for all things final mile, van drivers to managers showcasing excellence in delivery. Nov 6th Freight in the City at Ally Pally - make a date with the best fireworks in London from top of the N22 hill. Seminars and showcase of all challenges to urban logistics. 2020 key dates Feb 28th IOC Fellows Gowning at the House of Lords. March 31st / April 1st Intralogistex - Richo Arena Coevntry June 2nd - 14th Transaid Land's End to John O'Groats cycle ride. Have you got a cup of tea ready for IOC Chair Carl Lomas to pit-stop at your depot on his 25-year-old courier cycle? Institute of Couriers Institute of Couriers is the govt stakeholder organisation, it is the voice for the Express delivery and courier sector. Hosting four heads of industry events each year, the National Courier Awards in October and the fellows gowning in Feb. Key networking events include the Mansion House transport banquet in March and the Guildhall Cartmarking in July. There is a fellows Sunday email briefing for the week ahead and urgent news shots regarding items such as major road closure or alerts such as the Taylor answers on modern workforce status. Research by the Institute includes, 'Where does our express sector fit within supply chain?' 'Is the new e-retail explosion really a client chain?' 'Would consolidation solve final mile congestion?' Latest research is on 'how do people shop online?' A four year longitudinal study of consumer value of time in final mile. What is a worker status in Express 'Taylor', IoC was proud to see over fifty thousand final mile individuals represented to respond to the 2017 May deadline with a detailed explanation of how the sector engages its workforce. A code of conduct and practice is emerging from that work Recent reports from the three national trade shows, IntralogisteX, CV and Multimodal and the largest transport conference in Europe, Microlise can all be found on the IoC web. IoC works with DfT, TfGM and TfL with their LoCITY programme for alternative fuel final mile solutions. Facilitating the Trailblazer employer group for Express qualifications with DfE, IFA, mapping qualifications to delivery material in the sector and acting as the EQA for those qualifications. IOC is aligned with DWP & JCP for next generation workforce. Becoming a fellow begins with a call to the IOC CEO Tracey Worth MPG Ambassador, Carl Lomas MBE blogged the MPG April meeting. Corned beef hash and brown sauce with mini burgers was the order of the day for the monthly hot spot Chop House venue of the Manchester Property Group with standing room only. A treat was in store with details of the council’s workings by it’s own Deputy Executive Leader, a review of the budget by Clive Gawthorpe, UHY Hacker Young and a look at the question, ‘buy the property or buy the company?’ Purple Bricks were in the room, as were champagne sponsors Landmark Development Solutions and members of Mahdlo to call for support on July 6th for the three peaks Saddleworth challenge. MPG founder and property guru, Jason Roper opened the April Manchester Property Group meeting with property value numbers, ‘Nationwide reported a first fall in values since 2012, the typical buyer spends £330,000 but this still remains a challenge to first time buyers.’ Jason detailed help to buy with a wide update of the deal for first timers on new builds, ‘let’s talk second steppers, it looks like their deal is coming to an end. Help to buy is about to tighten and focus on just First timers.’ Jason introduced the guest speaker, ‘An Oldham Athletic supporter’ Hush quiet as the audience was in for a treat, an insight into the workings of the council first hand by the deputy leader. The guest speaker for the April meeting was Executive Deputy Leader of Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, Cllr Bill Fairfoull. ‘Yes an Oldham Athletic fan’ Now a proud Ambassador of MPG, Bill explained how he took his first steps in property at Manchester College of building, before being elected for council in 2010. In his everyday life he’s also an Auditor. Some of Bill’s first jobs as a councillor included a tree under preservation order and a smoking shelter but to name a few as he continued to give the attendees a quick overview of the workings of local government as well as the Northern Powerhouse numbers, GM circa 2.75 million people in a UK of 65 million. The insight showed how a council executive has a great diversity mix with strong female representation that has led to good constructive communication. He also went on to explain the funding received by Tameside that has been falling since 2010, a year, not raising council tax is a big challenge to the budget and last year the number was £175 million not helped by things such as Carillion and the Stalybridge Moor fires both of which were costly. Bill went on to talk planning and green belt both of which are huge decisions for the next generations, affordability and availably of houses, first time buyers, population growth and land availability, ‘we need decisions that support the next generation’ before closing with the plan to be Carbon neutral by 2040 in Greater Manchester. Standing room only at the April MPG was a big advantage to those at the back who were in for a treat of the first corned beef hash, layered on brown sauce for a perfect foundation of property folk networking at what has become the Manchester place to be for all things property. ‘Let’s review the budget for property.’ Clive Gawthorpe- Tax Partner UHY Hacker Young & MPG Co-Founder first opened with the question. ‘Should I buy the company? Or should I buy the property?’ Clive looked at the downside, ‘due diligence on the company, tax & VAT can often be more intense than due diligence on the property.’ Issues of stamp duty, presently due 14 days after completion. The hidden tax, tax on property, property is stock, beware of the hidden tax! Another view for negotiation, the seller has to pay tax, find out how much that tax is, then get back to the table and negotiate with a view of tax on both sides of the deal. The winner of the champagne draw, sponsored by Landmark Development Solutions was one of MPG’s newest members Ian Chow of Bee in the City with the meal for 2 at Albert’s being won by Peter Lim of SAM Properties. Get your diary set for May 2nd and be sure not to miss this event with a delivery a presentation from MPG partners Connell Brothers Demolition with the topic, ‘Asbestos - the truth!’ Check out this article about MPG Ambassador Fiona McKay from The Business about the continued success of Lightbulb Leadership Solutions, and its expansion plans for the coming year...
MPG ambassador, Carl Lomas MBE blogs,UHY Hacker Young property guru Clive Gawthorpe opening the MPG 2019 January event to a full house, all seats taken and folk standing at the back. In what has become the property networking must attend event for developers in Manchester, who want to talk shop with fellows in a no sell environment, that exchanges vision from new build to refurb. January was an exceptional turn out, toad in the hole to finish after a headline run through 2019 budget for property and a full trade secrets showcase of the property insurance brokerages. All that and champagne prizes supported by Landmark Investments! Clive Gawthorpe from UHY Hacker Young explained budget updates focused on property in a condensed master class of key titles. Capital Allowance to increase from 200k to 1 milion. 'Give something, take it away.' Clawing back some tax relief, it's an end to 100% allowance for products on the energy technology list. Passing on sub-contractors VAT will be a new challenge. Moving to letting relief reform and property tax for overseas landlords. Clive to a healthy set of questions from the floor, brexit had to come up, 'My prediction is a no deal.' The MPG group has become renowned for advice inside the box. The full house January meeting talked property insurance. Carl Abbott of LIFT Insurance spoke frankly, brokers work on fee or commission, if they didn't ask for a fee they are receiving in the thirty per-cent ball park of commission. 'Tips on the best deal for you, choose a broker by reputation, ask around.' With a full house of property developers MPG events a perfect measure. Back to nuisiness, 'let me explain, don't ask two brokers to compete from the same insurer, as a broker if I press my favourite insurer for a best deal for you I can negotiate, the minute a second broker places the request to the same insurer, the price is fixed. If you do shop between brokers as them for quotes identifying specific insurers, leave your negotiation open for maximum discount. Think about the optional extras, NIG offer kitchen or bathroom pods at the property after a fire, keep them serviceable and let. Cyber is an option, extortion and even media liabilty. When you place the business be sure to explain what you do. Don't just tell them you are a builder. If working at heights or depths, this is often excluded, if its excluded, you have not told them, then you are not covered and your policy is money spent for no cover. When you are negotiating, try to get the insurer in the room, ask the broker to get the insurer in the room, if the insurer sees you as a low risk the premium is going to be better. Don't go too far, if you ask the World then the broker may walk away. My final advice, cheapest is not always best, ask your broker for the cheapest deal and then ask for the deal your broker recommends. Next MPG event is February 7th, clear your diary! This month saw enthusiastic MD Jason Roper along with MPG Partners and Ambassadors come together with members old and new to celebrate the last 12 months.
Once again the event was fit to bursting with Manchester Property folk and professionals. MPG continues to be the place to be for great business and conversation. As we cast our minds back we relived great memories of new relationships, exciting business and inspirational people, keeping up with hot topics month to month highlighting what to watch for and how we can help. We have been privileged to host top speakers such as Tom Bloxam MBE Chairman of Urban Splash, Jon Wilkins England Rugby League player, David Russell, Property Alliance Group and Tony Lloyd former Manchester Mayor to name just a few, each bringing their passion for property and vast wealth of experience with them to share with us. Not only is MPG continuing to provide a diverse and dynamic platform in which to meet and do business with like-minded people but it is also offering a raw and unscripted insight into Manchester’s driving force - it’s people! Along with this, our members are privy to a steady flow of property and land opportunity as MPG is pathing the way for investors offering priority purchasing to its members. Looking to build? We can help there too! MPG boasts a black book of property must have contacts from top lenders to tax specialists. For more information on what investment opportunities MPG currently have available please contact [email protected] or [email protected]. Why not talk to us today to see how WE can help YOU and your business!! Our next event is on the 6th September and we hope to see you all there, please sign up now to avoid disappointment. Guest blog by Sarah Peel. Pineapples and a pound around the world for expensive property developments in costly concrete. Jason Roper opened another MPG full house, these monthly events are clearly the place to be, events not to be missed for property folk in Manchester, Jason was talking marriage and stag parties in the costa del Blackpool, Jason sported a top tan and talked married life to his new bride. ‘Let’s get serious in the football fever.’ The June MPG event was rich in content and sorted for a fish and chip finish with advice on a tax free bargain on employees and some memories of pick and mix at Woolworths with a key note speech from MPG ambassador and logistics guru Carl Lomas who spoke cost of concrete and speculative development for e-retail sheds. Champagne sponsor prizes returned with free dinners and exclusive books, even a goody bag and don’t mention the cake to start, magic event, don’t miss the next one! Clive Gawthorpe of UHY Hacker Young asked the MPG audience to stand, asking three questions and with each answer letting part of the audience sit down. The audience stood to the end, unaware the gem Clive was about to deliver. Back in the comfy chairs Clive showcased his point, tax free income for employees under a hundred K for tax free pay up to fifty five pounds a week. ‘We are talking child care benefits, key issue is that you must register before end October to get this benefit to your staff. Child care voucher from the employer is tax free, runs to older children, one client used it for the posh school fees, others for after school clubs. Get a call in to UHY urgently and bag a tax free bargain for your employees. Carl Lomas talks cost of concrete in e-retail sheds for June MPG Key note delivery. Lomas, a long-time supporter of MPG opened with memories of being asked to ambassador the group, he was concerned not to be a sports man when he got the call but well chuffed for the responsibility of promoting the MPG group that has run from strength to strength.
Lomas talked shop for the logistics sector where he is national chair of the Institute of couriers, Transport for Greater Manchester TFGM chair of the urban delivery group. ‘e-retail, home delivery is exploding in numbers, retail is moving from high street bricks and mortar to home delivery e-retail internet shopping. Its new and it’s in our time.’ Lomas used a Pineapple example, goods around the world, in a supermarket or on the High Street and then delivered free to your door. ‘How does that fit with bricks and mortar on the retail platform of shops. Lomas took MPG on a short history lesson, first internet shopping was a Sting album sold in 1994, by 2010 50 billion pounds of retail was sold on line. ‘Let’s not forget Woolworths! Bringing the context of time, we all loved pick a mix from Woolworths and it’s not ten years ago when they closed, that’s when internet began the boom of explosion we see today. This is in our time!’ Lomas took the numbers to present day with thirty per-cent of retail value spent on line in 2017, and that does not include e-bay shoppers! Business model on the screen of the MPG floor asked the question of speed of delivery and challenged the sustainability of next day and same delivery. ‘What is the cost of the concrete to make these deliveries. Half million foot sheds, volume is key, pushing 45 metres high and even double-decker sheds, using the racks sets to prop the roof and bag every last inch of volume space in the mighty developments of the East Midlands gateway and the Magna Park sheds. Engineers are even maximising the camber space in the roof, using low oxygen systems to save the sprinkler space’ Lomas delivered an energetic speech engaging the MPG in some philosophy from his research time at Manchester Met University. ‘How do you see the world, what lens do you view through? He used the global brand logo of FedEx Logo as an example, if you want the answer ask at the next MPG in July. This months event kicked off with a hot topic talk from founder Jason Roper. The monster merge of Asda and Sainsburys and huge job losses to be had at RBS following mass branch closures. The retail market continues to change so Property folk keep your eyes peeled for opportunity! Up next was the first of this months speakers, Stephen Grayson from MPG partner UHY Hacker Young. Stephen spoke about GDPR aka The data protection act and how this will affect the property sector. Check out the PDF at the bottom of this blog for further information on GDPR. In short this will affect everyone and the deadline of 25/05/18 is looming although don’t worry, full compliance isn’t required by this time but a firm action plan to achieve compliance is! Breeches will cost you so don’t delay. Along with a handy 12 step guide to assist with compliance Stephens message was clear, if your aren’t sure employ a specialist and even if you are, employ a specialist! Following on from Stephen was chairman Chris Wareing from our chosen charity Mahdlo. Mahdlo is a £2 million charity receiving only £400,000 per annum from Oldham council. They provide amazing opportunities for youths in the community helping them find passions and providing support to allow them to flourish. Chris spoke proudly of his recent fundraising for the charity ranging from 24hour 5 a side marathon with Oldham Police Constabulary to a climb up Mount Kilimanjaro! If you feel inspired and want get involved there are still places available to join Chris up Kilimanjaro but if that’s not for you there are plenty of other ways you can contribute! Check them out on the charities website at To finish this month's event was an insightful talk from John Barstow of BCR Limited ‘A full service advertising agency’. John started his career in 1966 and has worked in Marketing/ PR ever since. The saying ‘been there, seen it, done it’ really does apply to John. A nostalgic and factual presentation from John sparked personal reflection in the room...’Am I influenced?’ In today’s world more that ever we are subjected to advertisement, marketing ploys and PR schemes. Do they affect your daily lifestyle choices? John ended reflectively stating, in this day and age of technology ‘creativity is suffering’. Something to take away is to not be afraid of offering up your originality. If you would like to find out more about John, BCR Limited and what they can do for you and your business please visit his website at Winners of this months business card lucky draw were speaker Stephen from UHY Hacker Young and Paul Ramsey of Real Financial. We are looking forward to a delayed event next month on 14/06 hope to see you there! Sign up now to avoid disappointment February is the best month of the year. New beginnings for 2018, and insulation tucked up and tight with low CO2. Jason Roper introduced the Feb 2018 Manchester Property Group To a familiar full house of developers at the Manchester Chop House venue, MPG ambassador on the MBE team, Carl Lomas bagged some notes. Guests were in for a treat of technical detail on all things insulation with a healthy commercial property pension plan set of financials. Bubbly and dinner on the raffle for business cards courtesy of Lightbulb Leadership Solutions, a partner of MPG marked the first month of the year out of the January blues. This was fresher’s week for the MPG and taking a measure of interaction and the meeting the year ahead looks good. Jason set a tone that motivated interaction, he explained; "January blues are out of the way. February is the best month of the year for new beginnings. February is like fresher’s week, it’s the week after the famine of January, New Year’s resolutions of gym visits and diets are out of the way. It’s time for Pancake Day with Nutella. Feb 18th is National wine day and February 14th Valentine’s day is time to get drunk with the love of your life." Jason handed to the first key note speaker, let’s talk property, let’s talk insulation for buildings, technical detail on the lamba values with real world explanation on the supply chain. Shaun Ryan – Director of Springvale EPS – Exploring some of the environmental and regulatory issues which are becoming ever more common in the development world and talked frankly on the Grenville Tower issues. Shaun explained his production locations at Glossop and Newcastle and covered the evolving supply chain, product from manufacturer to site without merchant. Get the spec correct and get real world value. Technical talk focused on reducing heat transfer; "Performance is the most important factor. Fibre getting damp or even missing is a big issue. Shrinkage, compacting and settlement is all likely to fail performance on insulation. Carbon and the whole life cycle of the product you use is the measure, you must value cost balance between product and installation cost. Vapour, permeability, breath and not breath are all in the mixing pot for new build and refurb. Wool, natural and expensive, great thermal values, arrives at site in blocks and comes from shearing waste. Icynene spray foam, air tight, open cell, very good thermal. Foam board products, most of the chemicals to make them come from Germany, Brexit and the euro has driven price up as well as a great deal of the chemicals been taken by the Chinese market." A general discussion followed, supply direct from manufacturer to site, be sure you get the spec the architect ordered, it’s not just u value, it’s about getting product match to design, material and performance are the only measure to success for the future owners. MPG is getting big attendance, developers in the NW are setting diary not to miss. with the familiarity of putting on two key notes, February followed that great combination, insulation sorted, it was time for commercial finance, SIPP / SAS commercial property purchase. Paul Ramsey – Managing Director of Real Financial Services, City supporter, IFA and former banker was candid and interactive to talk turkey and tax solutions for commercial property. ‘Mind the gap – 15 points, what was the score.’ Back to finance, Paul was energetic with the titles that had big issues for developers and property deals. retirement planning, pensions and wealth preservation. Inheritance tax, critical illness, lending and mortgages to folk as old as eighty! Talking turkey back in the tax zone, let’s look at capital gain into an EIS, your accountant needs to be more than a book keeper. Paul faced SIPP / SAS property deals, it must be commercial, student let does not count and it can’t be residential. ‘Tis the season to be jolly and our members certainly were this December 7th at our Christmas Cracker Manchester Property Group Event.
This month saw 2 of our partners and 1 of our ambassadors speak at the event along with our very special guest speaker Rugby League player Jon Wilkin. Partner Clive Gawthorpe from UHY Hacker Young talked all things property related in November’s Budget. He raised some key points for property folk to look out for such as council tax mark up for empty properties and tax implications of overseas property - check the previous post here in our News section of the website for more info! Next up was Partner Fiona McKay owner of Lightbulb Solutions who delivered a thought provoking insight into the lack of mental health support facilities within the workplace - is there a place for Mental Health First Aiders? Absolutely! In this society of ever increasing demand and high expectations are we and our leaders doing enough to support mental health? Lightbulb Solutions is providing a 2 day qualification on 8th & 9th of January open to all - contact Fiona to book to avoid disappointment and for an early bird rate! Followed by Ambassador Terry Flanagan who provided an update on his involvement with Tootoot the award winning platform and app used in schools colleges and universities to help combat bullying. The platform is constantly evolving and branching out more recently into sports clubs providing support to young people all over the country - check them out at Terry also updated us on the current activities of our chosen charity Mahdlo who provide a huge range of activities at there state of the art youth zone in Oldham. An absolutely fantastic charity to support check out there work and how you can get involved at And last but by no means least was our guest speaker Rugby league player Jon Wilkin. Jon started off his talk with a run down of his sporting career to date, a fascinating story which included playing through a broken nose and some great tales of team nights out. Jon went on to talk about his other passion, coffee and his specialist coffee bar Pot Kettle Black - PKB. Located in Manchester’s Barton arcade an absolute must visit for coffee lovers! Jon spoke excitedly about his future career which included expanding to new sites with PKB and continuing his punditry with BBC. Something we all took away from Jons talk was his live by mantra of R.E.F : Resilience - do not give up! Enjoyment - enjoy what you do if you don’t change it! Failure - this will only make you stronger learn from them and keep going! To top off the event was our monthly raffle which saw David Wilcox Architect win a meal for two at Alberts Chop house and MPG member Jim Connell win the bottle of champagne! Lots of networking and festive drinks followed another fantastic event from the Manchester Property Group. For information on how to become a member please visit our membership page of the website Our next event is 11th January 2018 where we have Phil Cusack Chairman Chambers of Commerce speaking Merry Christmas Team MPG Blog by Sarah Peel |
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