Pineapples and a pound around the world for expensive property developments in costly concrete. Jason Roper opened another MPG full house, these monthly events are clearly the place to be, events not to be missed for property folk in Manchester, Jason was talking marriage and stag parties in the costa del Blackpool, Jason sported a top tan and talked married life to his new bride. ‘Let’s get serious in the football fever.’ The June MPG event was rich in content and sorted for a fish and chip finish with advice on a tax free bargain on employees and some memories of pick and mix at Woolworths with a key note speech from MPG ambassador and logistics guru Carl Lomas who spoke cost of concrete and speculative development for e-retail sheds. Champagne sponsor prizes returned with free dinners and exclusive books, even a goody bag and don’t mention the cake to start, magic event, don’t miss the next one! Clive Gawthorpe of UHY Hacker Young asked the MPG audience to stand, asking three questions and with each answer letting part of the audience sit down. The audience stood to the end, unaware the gem Clive was about to deliver. Back in the comfy chairs Clive showcased his point, tax free income for employees under a hundred K for tax free pay up to fifty five pounds a week. ‘We are talking child care benefits, key issue is that you must register before end October to get this benefit to your staff. Child care voucher from the employer is tax free, runs to older children, one client used it for the posh school fees, others for after school clubs. Get a call in to UHY urgently and bag a tax free bargain for your employees. Carl Lomas talks cost of concrete in e-retail sheds for June MPG Key note delivery. Lomas, a long-time supporter of MPG opened with memories of being asked to ambassador the group, he was concerned not to be a sports man when he got the call but well chuffed for the responsibility of promoting the MPG group that has run from strength to strength.
Lomas talked shop for the logistics sector where he is national chair of the Institute of couriers, Transport for Greater Manchester TFGM chair of the urban delivery group. ‘e-retail, home delivery is exploding in numbers, retail is moving from high street bricks and mortar to home delivery e-retail internet shopping. Its new and it’s in our time.’ Lomas used a Pineapple example, goods around the world, in a supermarket or on the High Street and then delivered free to your door. ‘How does that fit with bricks and mortar on the retail platform of shops. Lomas took MPG on a short history lesson, first internet shopping was a Sting album sold in 1994, by 2010 50 billion pounds of retail was sold on line. ‘Let’s not forget Woolworths! Bringing the context of time, we all loved pick a mix from Woolworths and it’s not ten years ago when they closed, that’s when internet began the boom of explosion we see today. This is in our time!’ Lomas took the numbers to present day with thirty per-cent of retail value spent on line in 2017, and that does not include e-bay shoppers! Business model on the screen of the MPG floor asked the question of speed of delivery and challenged the sustainability of next day and same delivery. ‘What is the cost of the concrete to make these deliveries. Half million foot sheds, volume is key, pushing 45 metres high and even double-decker sheds, using the racks sets to prop the roof and bag every last inch of volume space in the mighty developments of the East Midlands gateway and the Magna Park sheds. Engineers are even maximising the camber space in the roof, using low oxygen systems to save the sprinkler space’ Lomas delivered an energetic speech engaging the MPG in some philosophy from his research time at Manchester Met University. ‘How do you see the world, what lens do you view through? He used the global brand logo of FedEx Logo as an example, if you want the answer ask at the next MPG in July.
1 Comment
8/5/2019 08:39:05 am
It seems like a lot of topics are being discussed in Manchester Property Group. I can feel that people who attend every seminar they hold are the ones who are into real estate industry and those who are interested of owning a land. Well, their dreams are really big and I admire them for that! Right now, I can tell that I still don't have the willingness to try entering the said industry, but at the right time I am sure I'll try it! I will ask the help of Manchester Property Group, of course!
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