TFGM Manchester freight - the fifth annual event. Clean air at the heart of it. Lomas delivers Client Chain Key note in Manchester. Post Bank Holiday sunshine, the Manchester event focused on informing and engaging the Freight sector on the Outline Business Case for the TFGM Manchester Clean Air Plan. Megan Black spoke passionately for Manchester, Lomas from the IOC looked at Client Chain driven decisions in express. Tracey Worth talked inclusion of millennials to the logistics workforce alongside DWP Job Centre Plus guru Alex Farkas. Lorna McAtear, Royal Mail, 'We are investing 7 million in new compliant delivery vehicles'. We are trialling everything from LNG, CNG and even e-bikes.' Toby Poston BVRLA, 'There is a growing demand for petrol vans.' The full house TFGM freight event delivered a cracking lunch and a magic mix of multi-modal operators. The target was to engage logistics industry operators and it delivered with final mile excellence from heavy LGV to two wheels and walking post. The forum with over fifty individual operators in the room, generated a better understanding of freight operations in GM. Informing and identifying future needs and the development of potential interventions, Megan Black, TFGM, 'clean air at the heart of it.' Opening presentation, Greater Manchester Clean Air Proposals Megan Black, Interim Head of Logistics & Environment, TfGM opened, 'The goal of a clean air zone is to move people to cleaner vehicles.' 'We are looking to reduce NO2 as quickly as possible.' 'Tackling nitrogen dioxide, what we are planning and proposing, the next steps' Starting with the problem, air quality, it brings life expectancy down six months. The two categories, nitrogen dioxide and second, the particulates. 'Diesel vehicles are the largest source of nitrogen dioxide, Govt has asked local authorities to deal with the air quality. 60 local authorities, GM is working together for a plan for Greater Manchester. Clean air zones, from class A bus, (private hire and taxi), Class B and C split between 3.5 tonne grades, Class d for cars and motorcycles.' Megan clarified congestion zones and clean air zones are not the same. 'the goal of a clean air zone is to move people to cleaner vehicles.' We recognise we need to support change, we are asking govt for funds for vehicle renewal. 'Clean freight fund'. We are looking to extend infrastructure, we want to increase charging points by 600. Sustainable journeys, looking at behaviour change for travel. We want to see retro fitting recognised. Assumed clean air penalty fees look like seven pounds fifty for car and LGV van, one hundred pounds for truck for a zone that covers all of Greater Manchester. We have asked govt for 25 million to cover infrastructure. 'This is not a penalty, we assume the majority of people will upgrade using the support schemes.' We want to hear your views, we have a six week consultation; 13th May to 23rd June, there will be further consultation in the summer. Carl Lomas MBE, Chairman Institute of Couriers, and TFGM chair of Urban deliveries. Key note: ' Looking through a new lens.' 'Alternative vehicles, alternative fuels, consolidation and saving miles in final mile.' 'Compliance may be the only step to drive purchase of zero emission.' Lomas asked guest to look with a new lens at the delivery, alternative fuels, alternative vehicles, consolidation, look with a lens of clean air. Then showcased a Carmen Livery cart board, 500 years of clean delivery licenced then at five shillings and relevant today as it was then to see clean delivery. Lomas talked, reducing miles with consolidation and client chain perception, taking a look through the lens we see clean air with. Taking the vote - Lomas asked the acceptability of consolidation to office delivery for home e-retail. Your office is a consolidation zone, a hundred deliveries here today or a hundred locations to your homes this evening. Big numbers voted against home to delivery to the office with the example of food but even bigger numbers voted work related home deliveries were acceptable. 90% sent home delivery to the office is acceptable on the example of reading spectacles. 80% said food was not an acceptable delivery to the office (using chocolates as a birthday present example) 50% said small items are acceptable delivery to the office 500 years ago cart-boards began the licencing of clean streets for London, today the lens is clean air but the principles remain. Express explosion and increasing city density, the challenge to deliver clean air solutions. Corporate excellence with DPD and their London SW1 micro depot, all EV. To deliver with less miles. False volume and returns at the heart of the problem. It's not all vans. Lomas touched on Cycle consolidation zones in Vienna, could we see these in Greater Manchester. Making a business case for the owner driver covering low miles in inner city delivery zones compounded with the challenges of charging the van at home and availability of new vehicles leaves the land of zero emission in the hands of the corporate fleets. Chris Swan, Head of Rail at Tarmac. How the construction sector can meet today's challenges 'We need capacity on rail to get heavy freight on trains.' Chris took a lens from the rail and heavy vehicle sector, 'Rail freight in Greater Manchester & meeting the future challenges. 'We need capacity on rail to get freight on trains.' Talking Tarmac, new sites, new technology, a new way to off load trains in Greater Manchester. Using rail to move heavy materials and make use of economics to get that material into the city. Rail need for passengers is a challenge to freight in the opportunity for growth. Cost of signalling and cost of sites at rail heads is a challenge. If you use rail in your supply it is far cleaner air delivery per tonne than road. From the Key notes optional workshop sessions with round tables followed. Workshop One - Tracey Worth, IOC, DFT, Strategic Transport Apprenticeship Taskforce (STAT) and Diversity in transport chair. Tracey Worth talked 'inclusion of workforce for logistics in a modern business,' 'Millennials, 35% of your next employees will look at your policy for inclusion before they make a job application to your company.' 'This session explores challenges and opportunities for the freight sector.' 'STAT is a voluntary, cross-sector industry body that has been given the responsibility for promoting awareness and access to apprenticeships, sector diversity and promoting transport as a career.' 'Adding value to your logistics company with inclusion of workforce. Think millennials and your next generation workforce, inclusion is changing and makes your future workforce.' Asking the workshops to talk understanding in inclusion for logistics workforce success. 'Creating ambition in freight workforce. Understanding representation, mirroring society, staff retention.' All hot topics. Today let me give you a toolkit. It's free and available to you. Let me give you an invitation, Transport Minister Jesse Norman MP welcomes you to Portcullis House Westminster to launch the freight sector diversity and inclusivity platform for logistics, the date for your diary is May 29th Workshop two - Research into key issues in the freight sector. A double bubble delivery, Royal Mail & BVRLA. Lorna McAtear, Royal Mail, 'We are investing 7 million in new delivery vehicles. We are trialling everything from LNG, CNG and even e-bikes.' Lorna McAtear, Royal Mail, 'The red fleet, a big number of vans, we collect post boxes, 143 thousand employees, 93,000 walking post using trollies. We are trialling e-bikes. We are trialling CNG. London ULEZ, we had 385 none compliant vehicles, a charge of 1.8m for those vehicles. We swapped out over 600 vehicles pre-ULEZ to other locations. Making it easy for your drivers, is the vehicle complaint, we made a bunch of stickers to identify euro 4, euro 5, euro 6 vehicles. We are trialling infrastructure and electricity supply wins. 'Its about the right vehicle at the right time in the right place.' The group was challenged to consider the issues posed by clean air zones and the London ULEZ. The session consider compliance solutions such as the role of rental and leasing in the zones, as well as discussing potential mitigation measures available. Toby Poston talked lease vehicles being the cleanest on the road. Getting the correct vehicle for clean air zones and post Brexit regs. Understand CNG LNG in heavy fleets. We are seeing a growing request for petrol vans. Workshop three - Safe Urban Driving (SUDS) Course, helping to evaluate the course. Rachel Scott, Delivery Manager at TfGM Rachel made a brief introduction to SUD training for raising awareness of vulnerable road users - this was an interactive workshop and a chance to find out more about this training, an opportunity to feed back for those that have some experience of this and discuss ways of making this offer more useful for safety on the road. Concluding the event - Round up and the votes. Do you agree GM needs a clean air plan? 96% said yes Do you know about the GM plan? 88% said yes Do you broadly agree with the GM clean air plan? 78% said No TFGM freight event April 2019, a great success in the northern city heartland of logistics. * Take forward practical operational initiatives of benefit to industry but which also reduce externalities; * Act as an initial source of communication on other initiatives that have an impact on the industry as the Logistics Strategy is implemented Megan Black with Carl Lomas and the 500 year vehicle taxation of Cartmarking in the City of London. Clean air is at the heart of it. For lots more detail on this week's extracts, take a look at the IOC detailed web news<>. Institute of Couriers Institute of Couriers is the govt stakeholder organisation; it is the voice for the Express delivery and courier sector. It hosts four heads of industry events each year, the National Courier Awards in October and the fellows' gowning in February. Key networking events include the Mansion House transport banquet in March and the Guildhall Cartmarking in July. There is a fellows' Sunday email briefing for the week ahead and urgent news shots regarding items such as major road closures or alerts such as the Taylor answers on modern workforce status. Research by the Institute includes, 'Where does our express sector fit within supply chain?' 'Is the new e-retail explosion really a client chain?' 'Would consolidation solve final mile congestion?' Latest research is on 'how do people shop online?' A four-year longitudinal study of consumer value of time in final mile. What is a worker status in Express? - 'Taylor'; IoC was proud to see over fifty thousand final mile individuals represented to respond to the 2017 May deadline with a detailed explanation of how the sector engages its workforce. A code of conduct and practice is emerging from that work Recent reports from the three national trade shows, IntralogisteX, CV and Multimodal and the largest transport conference in Europe, Microlise can all be found on the IoC web. IoC works with DfT, TfGM and TfL with their LoCITY programme for alternative fuel final mile solutions. Facilitating the Trailblazer employer group for Express qualifications with DfE, IFA, mapping qualifications to delivery material in the sector and acting as the EQA for those qualifications. IOC is aligned with DWP & JCP for next generation workforce. Becoming a fellow begins with a call to the IOC CEO Tracey Worth 07976 263745. 2019 key dates April 16th - Logistics Joint Services Carmen dinner, City of London April 25th - TfGM 5th annual freight forum - Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham delivers keynote, 'largest clean air zone outside London.' April 30th to May 2nd Commercial vehicle show CV Show at the NEC - Vans rule as truck numbers fall in an NEC showcase of all things commercial transport. The Show attracts close to 21,000 business visitors and its central location at the NEC Birmingham, ensures a truly nationwide attendance. For operators it's the annual meeting place and for sector suppliers the ultimate showcase for products and services. May 15th - Microlise Conference, Ricoh Arena Coventry. The biggest transport logistics keynotes in the UK May 24th - TfL LoCITY Light Vehicle group meeting - Palestra House TfL London SE1 May 29th - DFT Diversity in logistics, Minister Jesse Norman, Port Cullis House Westminster. Operator best practice event, chaired by Tracey Worth, reception hosted by Jacquie O'Donovan. Key notes include Alastair Cochrane Whistl, Kate Lester, Diamond Logistics, HS2 Mark Lomas. Westminster London SW1. June 5th Warehouse Technology Group - John Munnelly, Head of Operations at John Lewis & Partners talks reverse logistics in Manchester at the MANTRA hosted event. June 18th-19th City Transport & Traffic Innovation Exhibition. Arena MK, the CiTTi Exhibition is an exciting brand-new event that will gather the industry together to explore how innovations within traffic and transport will help the movement of people and goods through an urban environment safely and efficiently. June 18th-20th Multimodal at the NEC 12 years in the making - new dates - Birmingham, road, rail, air and sea transportation. June 25th Freight Traffic Control 2025 project, London. Policy implications for urban last mile delivery, keynote by professor Phil Blythe chief scientific advisor to DFT. Attendance is free and to book a place please visit: July 2nd Logistics Skills Alliance Vision 2025 round table Heathrow. Free to operators. July 17th Cartmarking. - 503rd year of marking of carts in Guildhall Yard, City of London. Sept 9th deadline for DCPC. Truck, bus or coach 'drivers must have completed their 35 hours of periodic training in last five years of this second block. Sept 24th - 27th IMHX A proven platform for the intralogistics industry to do business, and takes place at the NEC, Birmingham. Oct 15th National Courier Awards - Hosted at the Institute of Directors Pall Mall, best of the best for all things final mile, van drivers to managers showcasing excellence in delivery. Nov 6th Freight in the City at Ally Pally - make a date with the best fireworks in London from top of the N22 hill. Seminars and showcase of all challenges to urban logistics. 2020 key dates Feb 28th IOC Fellows Gowning at the House of Lords. March 31st / April 1st Intralogistex - Richo Arena Coevntry June 2nd - 14th Transaid Land's End to John O'Groats cycle ride. Have you got a cup of tea ready for IOC Chair Carl Lomas to pit-stop at your depot on his 25-year-old courier cycle? Institute of Couriers Institute of Couriers is the govt stakeholder organisation, it is the voice for the Express delivery and courier sector. Hosting four heads of industry events each year, the National Courier Awards in October and the fellows gowning in Feb. Key networking events include the Mansion House transport banquet in March and the Guildhall Cartmarking in July. There is a fellows Sunday email briefing for the week ahead and urgent news shots regarding items such as major road closure or alerts such as the Taylor answers on modern workforce status. Research by the Institute includes, 'Where does our express sector fit within supply chain?' 'Is the new e-retail explosion really a client chain?' 'Would consolidation solve final mile congestion?' Latest research is on 'how do people shop online?' A four year longitudinal study of consumer value of time in final mile. What is a worker status in Express 'Taylor', IoC was proud to see over fifty thousand final mile individuals represented to respond to the 2017 May deadline with a detailed explanation of how the sector engages its workforce. A code of conduct and practice is emerging from that work Recent reports from the three national trade shows, IntralogisteX, CV and Multimodal and the largest transport conference in Europe, Microlise can all be found on the IoC web. IoC works with DfT, TfGM and TfL with their LoCITY programme for alternative fuel final mile solutions. Facilitating the Trailblazer employer group for Express qualifications with DfE, IFA, mapping qualifications to delivery material in the sector and acting as the EQA for those qualifications. IOC is aligned with DWP & JCP for next generation workforce. Becoming a fellow begins with a call to the IOC CEO Tracey Worth
5/9/2019 11:34:38 pm
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